Price on call For Sale
Ad Details
Ad ID: 7880
Added: 3rd April 2019
Sale Price: Price on call
Location: Tanzania
State: Kilimanjaro Region
Phone: 0715525427/ 0754 209 615
Views: 1896
We dealing with ;( tunahusika na yafuatayo)
*Agent of DSTV, Startimes and Azam dish (Wakala wa DSTV,Startimes na madishi ya Azam)
*agent of camera HIK Vision, Euro+Vision and DAHUA . (Wakala wa Camera za HIK vision na Euro + Vision na Camera za DAHUA)
* We are install CCTV camera network, Computers network,Data and Voice network, Satellite Dish and tv network.( Tunaweka na kukufungia CCTV camera network ,Computers network, Data na simu zote za maofisini, Satellite dish na TV Network
*Electric fense system, Security Alarms, Automatic Gate, Repair , Maintanence.Services of industrial electronics system,softwere and network solution.(Tunaweka uzio wa umeme,Ulinzi wa Alarm, Mageti ya Automatic, Matengenezo ya mitambo yote ya kieleclecronic kutoka viwandani.)
FOR CONTACT WITH US Cell: +255 754 209 615
+255 715 525 427
Tellphone +255 0272 751 763
Head Ofice: Location; Liwali Steet opp Umoja Lutherani Hostel
And our Branch located at Bomang’ombe HAI District
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Price on call